Visiting or Scheduling the Library
The library is open daily. Meetings and events are noted on the Facilities Calendar. To schedule the library for a meeting or event, call the office at 407-656-3218 to reach the Facilities Minister.
Borrowing and Returning Items
Church members and guests are welcome to check out items. Please use the paper borrowing log in the library while we work on getting an updated online catalog.
Please return items in a timely manner so that others may enjoy them. The recommended borrowing period is 21 days. To return items, simply leave them in the designated area to be checked in.
Donating to the Library
Donating Used Books: Donations are always appreciated! Nevertheless, we are not able to include every item. We welcome used books that are in good condition and aligned with our needs. If your item is torn, stained or has writing in it, please consider recycling it. Books in good condition may also be donated to our rummage sale or a Christian bookstore.
Donating New Books: If you’re interested in purchasing a book for the library, the website has a great selection. Please check our online catalog at the link above first to make sure we don’t already have the book.
Monetary Donations: Please inquire with the parish staff about directing a monetary donation to the library.
About the Library Collection
Please see our Collection Development Plan for information.