Pastoral Care is looking out for and looking after our brothers and sisters in the Messiah family, particularly those who are ill, in the hospital, in need, or grief.
There are many opportunities for you to serve according to your gifts, talents, availability, and interest:
- The Prayer Chain prays for people who are ill, in need, or in crisis. Simply send an email to Wilna Brown and Amy Eiden at their shared email and have two dozen prayer warriors praying for your request within the hour!
- The Casserole Patrol provides meals and food for folks who are sick, have been hospitalized, had a baby, or have had a death in their family
- Transportation for those who aren’t able to get themselves to Church on Sundays
- Hospital or home visitation for people who are ill
- Lay Eucharistic Visitors take communion to those unable to make it to Church on Sunday
- Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death grief support group in the Spring and Fall of the year. If you’d like to know more about this, please contact Deacon Julie Altenbach by email or 407-656-3218.
If you’d like to serve, each of these ministries is flexible according to your availablity.
If you have any questions about any of these ministries, or need some care or support yourself, please contact the church office at 407-656-3218 or speak with one of our clergy.
Join Us For An Upcoming Worship Service
Date/Time | Event |
February 16 8:00am | Traditional Worship Church of the Messiah Winter Garden FL |
February 16 9:30am | Family Worship Service Church of the Messiah Winter Garden FL |